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I think you have the start of a really fun game here!  I think you need to work more on boundary/collision detection, I managed to softlock my game a few times.  I got to the part just after I found the thermal sensor and ended up going up a screen and into part of the wall of the next screen and got stuck.  Other than that, better tiles making it clear what tiles are ground  and which are walls would be nice, too.

Here is where I got stuck:


hello!! first of it all thanks for spare some time playing my odd and first game. as you said, it lacks of mechanics and decent sprites that makes it confusing, and also there is a mess with collisions, but the game is finishable. I understood that your run was bugged but I think it happened somepoint after the middle of the game. I hope you reached/liked the lights-out facility and the night vision hallway. future projects can only get better.

I'll have to play through it again.  I remember it having some really cool concepts, though.  I'm pretty sure I reached the lights-out facility